Grand Theft Auto 2

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Grand Theft Auto 2



Grand Theft Auto 2 is the second installment in the Grand Theft Auto series, released in 1999 by Rockstar Games. It's considered one of the most influential games on the industry, as well as one of the best open-world titles ever made.

The game puts you in control of Claude Speed (voiced by David Cross), an up-and-coming criminal who has just arrived in Liberty City after escaping from prison on his own terms. He soon meets up with his old friend Catalina (voiced by Jenna Jameson) and begins working for her gangster boss, 8-Ball (voiced by Samuel L Jackson). The story then follows Claude as he tries to make it big while avoiding police attention and other gangs vying for control over this fictionalized version of New York City--and all its inhabitants' wallets!



Grand Theft Auto 2 is a sandbox game, meaning that you can do whatever you want and go wherever you want. The game features a wide variety of missions and objectives for players to complete, but no one mission is required to beat the game.

The main objective of GTA2 is to steal cars and then sell them for profit (and maybe even some extra cash). You can also earn money by completing missions, which usually involve stealing cars or killing people; however, there are other ways to earn cash as well. For example: if you find yourself low on health during gameplay--which happens often--you can buy food from vending machines located throughout each level's cityscape!

The controls are fairly simple because they're based off those used by previous iterations in this franchise: X button = jump; A button = attack/fight; B button = run away from danger; Y button = use special ability (if applicable); Left Analog Stick + Right Analog Stick together = change camera angle



Vehicles play an important role in GTA 2. There are many types of vehicles available, and each one has its own pros and cons. Vehicles can be used effectively if you know how to use them properly.

Cars: The most common form of transportation in the game, cars have good speed but low durability. They're also easy to steal from other players or NPCs (non-playable characters).

Motorcycles: These are faster than cars but less durable and harder to steal from other players or NPCs because they're smaller than most cars. However, they're still fairly easy to find throughout Liberty City's streets if you look hard enough!

Boats: Boats aren't available until later levels when you unlock them by completing certain missions; however once unlocked they offer great speed while navigating through water without having any issues related specifically towards land-based vehicles such as getting stuck on objects such as rocks etcetera..



The weapons available in GTA2 are listed below, along with their pros and cons.

Pistol: This is your default weapon that you start out with. It has a small clip size (10 bullets), but it's very accurate and powerful for its size. This is a good weapon for taking out enemies at long range or when you need to conserve ammo for other guns.

Machine Gun: The machine gun has high power but low accuracy, so it's best used at close range against multiple targets where accuracy doesn't matter as much as raw firepower does.

Rocket Launcher: This weapon launches rockets that explode on impact with any surface or enemy within its blast radius (about 20 feet). Its main drawback is its slow rate of fire--it takes about three seconds between shots!



There are six types of characters in GTA 2:

The Hoods. These are the most basic, and they're good all-rounders. Their stats are average, but they have no special abilities. They make great entry-level characters if you're just starting out and want to get your feet wet with the game before diving into more advanced strategies.

The Criminals. These guys have higher health than other types of characters, making them harder to kill--but at the cost of lower speed and accuracy stats (which means that their attacks won't hit as often). If you're looking for a challenge or just want something different from what everyone else is doing online, this could be an option for you!

The Businessmen/Women/Executives/Politicians/etc.. These guys don't do much damage when attacking enemies directly; instead they use money as ammunition by throwing dollar bills at foes from afar (or sometimes even hitting them with briefcases full of cash!). They also have special abilities such as being able to call taxis or helicopters whenever needed so long as there aren't too many people using those services already--making them ideal choices if teamwork isn't really your thing but still want some help getting around town without having someone constantly watching over their shoulder telling them where exactly everything else needs fixing first before continuing onward towards victory!



The story of GTA 2 is one of the most unique and engaging in gaming. You play as Claude Speed, a former criminal who has been released from prison and is trying to go straight. But when his former boss calls him up with an offer he can't refuse--a chance at revenge against a rival gangster--Claude finds himself back in the game again.

The game's narrative unfolds over its 20 missions, each one taking place on a different island within the city of Anywhere City (formerly known as Liberty City). As you progress through these missions, your character becomes more powerful and influential; by the end of the story arc, you'll have full control over all four gangs in town: The Sharks (led by King Courtney), The Clowns (headed up by Mr Wong), The Yakuza (led by 8-Ball) and The Mafia (with Salvatore Leone at its head).



The graphics of GTA 2 are quite good. They're not going to blow your mind, but they do their job well enough that it's easy for you to forget about them and focus on the gameplay instead. The cars look like cars, pedestrians look like pedestrians--nothing too fancy or impressive here.

The quality of these graphics is also pretty solid: there aren't any glitches or major issues with how things look in this game (at least none that I've noticed). Again though, nothing too fancy or impressive here either; just basic stuff done well enough so that it doesn't distract from playing the game itself



Audio is an important part of the experience, and Grand Theft Auto 2 does not disappoint. The audio for this game is excellent. If you're playing on PC or console, you'll have access to Dolby Surround Sound and full 5.1 surround sound options that really bring the game to life. The soundtrack is also very good; it has some catchy tunes that make driving around town more enjoyable than it would otherwise be!



Multiplayer options

Multiplayer gameplay is an important part of Grand Theft Auto 2, as it was with the first game. The player can compete against other players in an online environment or play competitively on the same console. Online gameplay allows you to play with friends or strangers from around the world, but requires a subscription fee to access it (and even then, there are some restrictions). Competitive play offers an alternative way for players who don't want to pay for an online subscription and instead prefer local multiplayer sessions with their friends at home or at work.



In conclusion, Grand Theft Auto 2 is a game that is worth your time and money. It has an engaging story, fun gameplay mechanics and great graphics for its time. If you're looking for something that can entertain you for hours on end then this is it!

If you're interested in learning more about the game or would like to play it yourself then check out the link here where you can purchase it on Steam!

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